Getting started with Vue.js and .NET Core in e-commerce projects

3 min readApr 30, 2021

You’ve heard a lot about JavaScript frameworks, i.e Vue.js. Probably you are wondering how it can improve your e-commerce? We have a simple and short answer to that!

Why Vue.js?

Well, behind Vue.js you won’t find any big tech company. Look at the React, backed by Facebook or Angular somehow supported by Google. Behind the Vue.js you will find the community. As we create open source ourselves, we know how important it is and we appreciate it. Of course, it’s not the only reason why we’ve decided to use it in our app. We can point out the most important reasons why we bet on Vue.

In comparison to the rest of the frameworks, Vue.js has the highest performance, which is crucial for us. It’s comparable to React, however, it outstands the Angular and AngularJS.

  1. It’s Lightweight
  2. It’s fast
  3. Bootstrap Vue and its components
  4. Developers friendly
  5. Growing popularity
  6. Possibility to create templates with JSON requests (i.e product lists without the need to reload the page)

What we’ve done?

Let’s jump into some details on how we’ve implemented Vue.js in GrandNode, an open-source e-commerce platform.

Removed jQuery

Times have changed, jQuery was powerful years ago, it gives developers advanced possibilities during the creation of the projects. However, in the majority of use cases, jQuery is not needed. Similarly, in our case, we noticed that jQuery is too large and not 100% used. Many jQuery features have been developed in JavaScript itself.

Replaced Bootstrap by Bootstrap-Vue

We are able to use more components to Vue, that were not available with standard Bootstrap.

Axios & Vee-validate instead of jQuery libs

As we removed jQuery, we had to implement those libraries to handle validation and requests.

Why it’s great?

Well, Vue.js gave us a lot of freedom and flexibility during the theme creation. It’s flexible and scalable so it does the trick in the huge e-commerce marketplaces and even in simple, small local stores.

Thanks to Vue, we are able to use Vue Templates, which can be dynamically changed and it gives us a lot of mentioned flexibility.

Finally, is it possible to migrate existing themes into Vue.js-based theme?

Well, literally I wouldn't recommend migrating existing themes, it will consume your time and potentially may generate a lot of compatibility issues. To be honest, the simplest way to gain the most from Vue.js in e-commerce is to make a redesign.

We’ve already created two templates fully based on Vue.js. You can use them as a perfect skeleton for your future unique theme.

Watches theme

Minimal theme




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